
The Gaea 2.0 journey is only beginning. Here are some of the high level features we have planned for the near future.


Welcome to the first General Availability (Release) Build of Gaea 2!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Early Access and Beta programs.

  • Graph UX and behaviors streamlined.
  • Improved hardware support and memory efficiency for both CPU and GPU.
  • New file recovery system.
  • Undo system improved.
  • Transpose node is now more accurate.
  • Diagnostics app can now launch Gaea in Safe Mode.
  • Gaea2Unreal: Bug fixes for UE 5.3 and 5.4. Install from Tools menu.
  • Lake node visuals improved.
  • New SatMap roughness options added.
  • Normal Maps node UI improved.
  • Safe Mode now disables all GPU acceleration.
  • Several internal bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Context menu added to Note objects.
  • SlopeWarp can accept color input.
  • Thermal1 and Thermal2 scale recalibrated and improved.
  • Tile Sets can be dropped on the Graph.
  • Transform node gizmos improved.
  • FIX: Autosave would not fire in time in some cases.
  • FIX: CLUTer Gradient Editor would invert the gradient in UI.
  • FIX: Downcutting Type removed from Erosion2.
  • FIX: Draw node would not load saved data.
  • FIX: Gaea could crash when saving node state.
  • FIX: Graph connections could get rerouted incorrectly in some situations.
  • FIX: Group would not create in a rare situation.
  • FIX: Internal improved in FractalWarp VectorField mode.
  • FIX: Mixer could crash if non-color node was connected.
  • FIX: Mixer sliders could misbehave while working.
  • FIX: Node cut operation could cause a crash.
  • FIX: Note would not delete.
  • FIX: Ports would not be highlighted properly in some situations.
  • FIX: Refresh button would not refresh all.
  • FIX: Resetting the lighting would cause incorrect light angle.
  • FIX: Ridge node would get clipped when increasing Height.
  • FIX: Save Definitions were reset when replacing nodes.
  • FIX: Sky editor reset would not update viewport.
  • FIX: SlopeBlur could cause failure or crash in rare situations.
  • FIX: Snow directional melt tweaked.
  • FIX: Undo shortcut was not working.
  • FIX: Viewport color was not set on startup.
  • FIX: Viewport zoom levels improved.

  • Hybrid Builds for tiled builds now available.
  • Unlimited Tiled Build sizes.
  • Undo now available.
  • Build and Crop (up to 16K) now available in Build options.
  • New Lazy Menu (press ~).
  • Trees node (formerly Arboreal in Gaea 1) added.
  • New Snow 2.0 node with directional melt.
  • New Snow Dusting node.
  • Erosion2 now uses GPU for faster processing.
  • Contours node added.
  • Cartography node added.
  • New TileInput node.
  • Mixer node UI heavily improved.
  • Visualize dead zones in Tree node.
  • Data View node tree improved. Filters now available.
  • BREAKING: Flow Map node is now Flow Map Classic and Flow Map by default is the new Flow Map 2.
  • BREAKING: Insert and Embed modes moved from Combine to Transpose node.
  • Additional settings available in Options dialog.
  • Viewport background color can now be changed.
  • Skybox Aerial Perspective improved.
  • Save/Load camera position.
  • Baking improvements.
  • Improvements to the Painter node.
  • SlopeBlur can accept Color input.
  • New SatMaps (work in progress).
  • New shortcuts: F8 for Combine nodes, Ctrl + F8 for Mixer.
  • Color nodes automatically detect nearest Underlay, unless you specify one explicitly. This means no need to connect an additional Height node.
  • File node adds supports for SVG, HDR, EPS, EMF, DDS, DNG, BMP, MIFF, RGB, and WEBP.
  • File node reading made more robust.
  • Dropping a file on the File node's filename property can change file.
  • Dropped file will be automatically recognized as RGB as required.
  • Double-clicking a node allows you to cycle through different node states.
  • Added confirmation before converting Group to Graph Tab.
  • Enable GPU-compute by default.
  • All GPU nodes fallback to CPU if GPU fails or runs out of memory.
  • ColorErosion defaults improved.
  • Tint node defaults changed to be more versatile.
  • Hillify node defaults improved.
  • Data View toolbar shows Locked Preview and Underlay node.
  • Improvements to the Synth node.
  • FIX: Preset search would work incorrectly in some situations.
  • FIX: 2D Viewport would not work in some situations.
  • FIX: SatMap Reverse mode was broken.
  • FIX: Zooming out of the graph could break.
  • FIX: SatMap could crash when switching libraries.
  • FIX: Lighting would not update when switching resolutions.
  • FIX: Rare crash when switching resolutions.
  • Several dozen other bugs fixed.

  • New Transpose node to copy surface from one terrain to another.
  • New Draw node (Experimental).
  • New Synth node to generate gradient maps from any bitmap or color input.
  • New Cone node.
  • New Volcano node.
  • New Weathering color node added.
  • New Direction melt mode in Snow node.
  • Locked Preview and Underlay node now shown in Data View area.
  • Options dialog expanded.
  • Sandstone node improved with multiple pass option and better stability.
  • Added Chipping option in Sandstone.
  • Multiplier option added to Bomber.
  • Inhibition mask added to Bomber.
  • TextureBase improved for speed and flow data quality.
  • Filter nodes now support color maps.
  • Color nodes now don't need height reference, unless to override. It will use nearest heightfield or Underlay.
  • New License authorization system to make activation easier.
  • GPU devices are now enabled by default upon install. You can disable them in Options.
  • Z shortcut for Gizmos now available.
  • Portals menu improved.
  • Skybox is now available.
  • Gaea will revert to Community Edition upon license expiration or failure.
  • Links to install Gaea2Houdini and Gaea2Unreal plugins in Tools menu.
  • Node tooltip now shows validation errors when a node fails.
  • Benchmark format improved.
  • Most modifiers now support color maps.
  • Combine Diff2 and Divide2 added to mimic Gaea 1 behavior.
  • Height modifier defaults improved.
  • Normal Map processing improved.
  • FIX: When saving-as the baked cache is copied over to the new file.
  • FIX: Many shortcuts would not work when Viewport was focused.
  • FIX: Replacing a node could cause incorrect connection on next node.
  • FIX: Renaming graphs is now available.
  • FIX: Presets are available in Node Search directly.
  • FIX: Connections are rerouted properly when a node is delated.
  • FIX: Prevent secondary windows from staying open when Gaea is closed.
  • FIX: Random SatMap was not chosen when a new node was created.
  • FIX: Crash when copying nodes.
  • FIX: Group element related file corruption.
  • FIX: Range sliders behavior was not correct.
  • FIX: Individual node property's Reset menu was not working.
  • FIX: Range Slider would not accept text input.
  • FIX: Combine clamp was working incorrectly.
  • FIX: Combine Diff mode fixed.
  • FIX: Rare bug that crashed Gaea during hardware detection.
  • FIX: Blur modifier value was not strong enough.
  • FIX: F8 for MultiMix did not work.
  • FIX: Autosave failure could crash Gaea.
  • FIX: Normal Map could crash Gaea.
  • FIX: RGBSplit was broken.
  • FIX: Combining out-to-out nodes could sometimes put the node out of graph.
  • FIX: Added a confirmation dialog when converting a Group to a Graph Tab.
  • Several XPU fixes and improvements.

  • New ColorErosion node.
  • New SuperColor node.
  • New Mixer node.
  • New Soil Map node.
  • New Match node.
  • Sediments node improved.
  • Input preservation fixed in Noise node.
  • Incorrect scale fixed in Pockmarks node.
  • Node commands now show up in the Property area toolbar.
  • LightX would not show color visualization correctly.
  • Double-click .terrain files to open in Gaea 2.
  • Seamless node now allows tiling preview in viewport.
  • Seamless node also allows color preview when attached.
  • VariableBlur fixed.
  • Fixed a major shape-size bug in Craggy node.
  • Warp, Flip, Autolevel, Equalize, Threshold, Blur, and most other adjustments now support color.
  • Hybrid Build options simplified.
  • Build Options window redesigned for better access.
  • Object Snapping improved in Graph area.
  • Added command to ignore node when looking for automatic underlay.
  • Added node icon for Underlay.
  • Several nodes re-organized into different families.
  • Sky Editor moved to viewport toolbar.
  • Added context menu for node connections.
  • Search now shows presets when _ (underscore) is typed.
  • Fixed a bug to allow older presets to be loaded without crashing.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow locked group items to be moved.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented resolution to be reset on New File.
  • Spread node merged into Noise node as "Micro" noise.
  • Over 50 internal bug fixes and improvements.


Gaea 2.1 (Q3 24)

  • Terrain Regions (an extension of Hybrid Builds)
  • Progressive Previews for realtime updates
  • Additional nodes with GPU capability
  • Additional automation tools
  • 36 planned improvements to existing nodes
  • Next-gen 3D Object Import
  • In-viewport drawing/masking

Gaea 2.2 (Q4 24)

  • Macros/Compiled Components
  • Remote/Network Build support
  • Modifiers 2.0
  • Cloud Build support
  • God Mode
  • 100+ planned improvements to existing tools

In between these larger milestones, we will publish updates and bug fixes regularly.